Catalogs Resources & People

Catalog's, Resources & People to contact to get products from
and to build your resource library with..
(put packages together to sell, rent or lease to your customers - or outfit your tech's)

So call-up and get all of these people to send you a Catalog...

* Environmental Test Systems - 800-452-0215 (cooltrax test strips)

*Abby Color Inc. - 215-739-9960 (antifreeze dye..ask for Jim Oleksa)

* Rand Materials Handling Equip. Co. - 800-366-2300 (barrel jacks, drum de-headers, clear drum covers, etc.)

* New Pig Corp. - 800-468-4647 (spill kits, haz-mat pads, etc.)

* Lab Safety Supply - 800-356-0783

*Industrial Safety Co. - 800-537-9721

* Cole-Parmer Instrument Co. - 800-323-4340

* C & H Supply - 800-558-9966

* Dozier Equipment International - 800-251-1234

* Northern Safety Co. - 800-631-1246

* Global Safety co. - 800-433-4848

*Chromatech Inc. (for antifreeze dye) 313-451-1230



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