Approval Disclaimer

To all it may concern...

It has come to our attention that some of the literature that some of our dealers have designed and are handing out to prospective customers may have some mis-leading points to it (see bulletin # 146750 - July 1996 and some others) as far as insinuating that we have various OEM approvals (G.M.. Cummins, Ford, John Deere, etc...) and that the OEM's position is that they will honor a warrantee with our approved method of recycling antifreeze.

Hi-Tech Industries does not think that any of our dealers would make up or misrepresent anything about their services on purpose, as it would be in bad taste, poor form and would not show the respect that this industry deserves...and in turn we think there might be a mis-understanding somewhere.

Although Hi-Tech Industries does hold a current GSA contract with the U.S. Government, and we do have some ASTM spec numbers that have been met, we are not now, nor ever have been APPROVED so far by any OEM. We are currently working on a number of approvals and will let the world know when the approvals are official, until such time that we do announce official approval, we ask all related parties to refrain from claiming or insinuating such approvals.

The facts are that Hi-Tech Industries ARU antifreeze recycling equipment and supplies, when used properly, will produce an excellent quality recycled antifreeze, which is currently being used in hundreds of thousands (by our approximation) of vehicles world-wide in all types of climates and conditions and not once has there been any problems (no rusted-out water channels, no corroded radiators, no electrolysis problems)...

Phone for further facts...

Hi-Tech Industries, Inc.